What is Laughter without a Tear

What is laughter without a tear ,
What is courage without fear ,
What is a morning without a night …
And what is achievement without a fight .

Why the day follows the night
And why the night comes all again ,
Why the sunshine hides the darkness ,
And why the darkness kills the light

Why things we like , we loose then gain ,
But somethings loved we search in vain
Why sometimes tears we shed and bleed ,
For things we know were never ours ……..

Why we pray …oh god give me
When we could have prayed oh thank you god …..
Why in vain we seek and seek
When so blind to things our own .

Why to see the light we pass the darkness
Why to bring smile we need a tear
Why to value a gift we need a loss
and why to bring courage we need a fear .

the tears came to bring the laughter ,
the night came to bring the day ,
but why still we see only the tear
and oh it is night again we say .

Let us live the present …tomorrow is yet to come ,
For the fear of tomorrow …let us not loose today ,
Let us laugh not count the tears ,
And let us live not drown in fears .
