The tree outside my Window.......

I have my table near the window …..When I open the blinds I can see the road , lots of traffic ,people walking , children going to school , and ………and 2 big tall bare trees one in our compund and the other on the other side of the road ……..Totally bare just branches , twigs and some birds just resting on it ............Gradually leaves appeared and so did many birds on it ...................Today when i opened the blind the most beautiful sight awaited me the nearby tree small pink and white flowers had started to bllom and a hundred more waiting to bloom .......And in the far away tree bright flaming red flowers have started to bloom ..........So wonderful a sight .......Colour after a bare colourless past ..........hope after despair , reward after waiting , sweet fruit of patience , many million thoughts came to mind ........Life is like the tree outside my window …bare at times without olour and suddenly God fills it with colour as a rewards for our patience , hardwork , perseverance , hope and trust in him ………Now the tree is filled with birds ……..but noble are those birds who sat on the tree waiting for it to bloom , without leaving it alone when it was bare …….True friends in ur life are like that ………….even in ur most colourless moments they stand by u and rejoice with u when the colurs are back ........Is it not wonderful that a blooming tree brings so much to mind ………………Salutations to u blooming beauty …a teacher in a way


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