Do we have a Voice .......

A casual comment left by one of the readers who read my blog got me thinking and writing this blog .....thanks u to that person first .
We often dont know our own strengths ......our strong points , and we often let things slip from our hands thinking we are not worthy or strong enough to get it .
We keep silent thinking our words will have no effect , thinking we cant speak up what will people think , we cant .............
Just the letter T makes such a big difference .........i CanT ...why not remove that one alphabet and make it We CaN......
When we start believing we can ..then u will be amazed that we really can do many things .....since as the saying goes Where there is a Will ...There is a Way ............
A Single word can make such a big difference , a kind deed , a knowing smile , a patient wait ....... who knows sometimes even silence can be our greatest strengths !!!
So tap that hidden resource and use it with all the positive energy u have in you ...........
You are strong but u need to know and realise that first !!!