It is all about trust ...

What happens when a loved one breaks your trust ..... what does it mean ?
Does it mean he/she does not love you , they dont care , they dont value you , they dont think of you ? A promise is something sacred and never to be misused ...never ...When a person asks you for a promise , it is not ego or want or anything negative is love and care and a way of reminding you of something important .
Also it is an unwritten , unsaid statement that i trust you and expect that you love and care for me so that you dont break the trust .
But when a person u love promises you and says without words that I love you and care for you and you can be assured that i will take care never to hurt you ..........and then goes on to break the promise and your trust and says indirectly that promises to u mean nothing to me since you mean nothing to me .......How should one take it , how should one bear it , how should one deal with this .
Am i bad and do i really mean nothing , was there something lacking in my love , my care , in me ?
Have i mistaken it that i mean something to him/her ,
Does breaking the promise mean leave me alone , does a broken promise mean ....there is no bond anymore ???
What do you do when you feel so lost that it blinds you ..........and cripples your very existance ?
