Allthe lads and lasies are as sweet as Sugar candies ..................

Remember this sweet poem from our childhood days ??? Wow i miss it so much chidhood , the games , the fights , the pranks , the friends and enemies much .....

Remember the Hide and seek games we played ..where the seeker would look slyly through a hole in his closed eyes ......and immediately shrieks and cries of "cheater cheater " would fill the air !!!!

Then colour colour which colour do u want ( all said in a sing song manner ) and once the person said the colur all ran helter skelter to touch that colour else u would be caught god the excitement .........and especially the girls screechin loudly as they ran to touch hahahaha 

Hmm in the pond and on the bank was another favourite ........where u hopped between 2 big circles which were the pond and the bank ......according to what the person said
Hmm then treasure hunts were a hot favourite too ............... and of course parents were horrified to see mud plastered kids at their door steps .

Playin house was so much fun and green leaves smashed for curry and stones were rice and empty coconut shells were vessels .......also stealthily got talcum powder made milk and grains and spices were different dishes .............pencil cuttings too made a delicious dish if i remember .

Then STATUE hahaha those were hilarious when we prtended to be statues and u could nt shake or smile or turn and if u did u had to do whatever punishment was decided .......
Cool games miss them so much ......actually extinct games ..........our children dont even know them all they know are Mr.bean and Power rangers etc ........
Come on all u elders take up the responsibility teach them games and ring them out of the world of television and violence and artificial nonsense ...........................
...miss those days
I was on a short trip last week, so couldn't visit your blog.