Cycling in Chennai ...........

In Chennai or Madras where i stay cycles = Tanker Lorries ??? Well that is what the cyclist thinks about it anyway ..........
Chennai cyclists are a real menace on the roads .....just like hiding gueirilla warriors , you dont really know when one will pounce on you .
Well hello the cycle is hardly a few kilos and a knock by even a bike would make you and your cycle a pilot and airplane and throw you to the other end of the road !!!
But no use the cyclist still rides his cycle with the same arrogance of a truck driver , Right in the middle of the road !!!! can u believe it ..........
At signals he just holds on to any vehicle near him and rests till the light goes green and then speeds and swerves and twists and turns in between vehicles double the size !!!!!

Well i told Manoj once we should have separate routes for cyclists and they should not be allowed on main roads with heavy traffic .......manoj agreed to it immediately and told me that i could bring this rule into practise as soon as became the senior traffic police or whoever was responsible for that ...:)

And the worst is they come and scratch your car from all sides tear off the paint and fight with you as if u were the one who went and bumped into him arrogant .

Well maybe i will make a union like Human Rights Activists Against Rash Cyclists ....HRAARC ,
or maybe The Cycle Haters ....TCH ,or maybe Society For Prevention of Cruelty To Motorists ...SPCM ...........YES I SHOULD SERIOUSLY THINK ABOUT IT !!!

Then maybe i could use a crane and tow away rash cyclists and earn myself the name of Crane Sindhu ( Just like Crane Kiran Bedi ...the fearless police officer who towed away even the then Prime Minister Indira gandhi's car for wrong parking !!! wow i love that lady )
Wow Crane Sindhu and the daily newspaper would have photos of me towing rash arrogant cyclists with my trademark crane or tow truck (that wud make me Tow Sindhu does not sound good , so i better stick to the crane ) and they would be yelling and pleading to be left off but i would lock them up till they learnt safe cycling ...good

So let me stop writing and not waste any more time off to start the Crane Union Against Rash Cyclists ...........CUARC ........yeah i proclaim myself the Vice President of the union and all those who are against rash cycling can join me ...................


Seema B Menon said…
Eeeks! That is something I have witnessed too! Horrible! Horrifying! I'll join your union!

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