Name Slaughter .....................
A particular blog got me thinking ...........about names !!! of all things and more so about Slaughter of names ....................yeah that is a degree which we indians excell in and all pass with only distinctions !!! Wow .........
In a land of diversity where religions and people are like stars in the sky ................Names too are like stars which we manage to change to comets or meteors or planets as we wish .....
I have a cousin who has been named Nandakumar ....and people in Delhi managed to make him Nanda Kumar .....before they could make him from Mr. to Ms. he changed his spelling from NandAkumar to Nand Kumar much for whats in a name ??
We need not say about how Bobby Deol becomes Bhabi Deol ( is Dharam saabs wife into acting too ?) and how Arnold Shwarzenegger becomes Arnoold Sivashankar ..........(seems arnold was impressed with hinduism and decided to change !?
And also how Meenakshi ( my daughter ) became MeenaCHHI in Madras .......and i painfullt taught her to correct all the people who called her MeenaCHI ............yeah she corrects them nowadays unknown to the fact that by the time she turns hr back she becomes MeenaCcHHI again, this time with more force to compensate for the insult of being corrected .
All the Kaurs become Kowrs (Cow with an R ) and the Singhs become Sings (as in born singers )
and and how Pinto s became Pintu (as in Chintu , bantu and mintu ) ,.................
South Indians are specially good and excell with A+ in this category .............Some of the P.Hds are ..........
Paamela becoming Pamaelaa ( as in Karela ) , Gautham becomes Gehudham (the H is wisely said silently ) and all the inanimate objects too are not left at peace ...........
Cassettes become Kyaasett , and Hall becomes Haal and ouch the list is endless............
The list is endless as i said Rajesh to Raayesh and Ramesh to Remessh in the south or Ramesss (the s comes out with a vengeance ) in the north , Aditya Pancholi became Aadithya Puncholi (yesh as in punch only) or Addityaa Panjoli Ganga becomes Gungaaa or Gengka or worse Gangaa ..................
How Sindhu became Sindu and How Menon (May...non) became Menen ( sorry not Melon
) ..............
So next time u hear a name make sure u heard it right and u heard it right ............else i would call upon Urnolld Sivasanker and Yes sir Arafart and also Nelsun Munn dela and also call upon Quuun Elisa bath and Prince Chaals and also the Kisnas and the Lallu Prashads to come and teach u pro-noun-cia-tion of namesss ...............wokayyyyyyy !!!
A particular blog got me thinking ...........about names !!! of all things and more so about Slaughter of names ....................yeah that is a degree which we indians excell in and all pass with only distinctions !!! Wow .........
In a land of diversity where religions and people are like stars in the sky ................Names too are like stars which we manage to change to comets or meteors or planets as we wish .....
I have a cousin who has been named Nandakumar ....and people in Delhi managed to make him Nanda Kumar .....before they could make him from Mr. to Ms. he changed his spelling from NandAkumar to Nand Kumar much for whats in a name ??
We need not say about how Bobby Deol becomes Bhabi Deol ( is Dharam saabs wife into acting too ?) and how Arnold Shwarzenegger becomes Arnoold Sivashankar ..........(seems arnold was impressed with hinduism and decided to change !?
And also how Meenakshi ( my daughter ) became MeenaCHHI in Madras .......and i painfullt taught her to correct all the people who called her MeenaCHI ............yeah she corrects them nowadays unknown to the fact that by the time she turns hr back she becomes MeenaCcHHI again, this time with more force to compensate for the insult of being corrected .
All the Kaurs become Kowrs (Cow with an R ) and the Singhs become Sings (as in born singers )
and and how Pinto s became Pintu (as in Chintu , bantu and mintu ) ,.................
South Indians are specially good and excell with A+ in this category .............Some of the P.Hds are ..........
Paamela becoming Pamaelaa ( as in Karela ) , Gautham becomes Gehudham (the H is wisely said silently ) and all the inanimate objects too are not left at peace ...........
Cassettes become Kyaasett , and Hall becomes Haal and ouch the list is endless............
The list is endless as i said Rajesh to Raayesh and Ramesh to Remessh in the south or Ramesss (the s comes out with a vengeance ) in the north , Aditya Pancholi became Aadithya Puncholi (yesh as in punch only) or Addityaa Panjoli Ganga becomes Gungaaa or Gengka or worse Gangaa ..................
How Sindhu became Sindu and How Menon (May...non) became Menen ( sorry not Melon
) ..............
So next time u hear a name make sure u heard it right and u heard it right ............else i would call upon Urnolld Sivasanker and Yes sir Arafart and also Nelsun Munn dela and also call upon Quuun Elisa bath and Prince Chaals and also the Kisnas and the Lallu Prashads to come and teach u pro-noun-cia-tion of namesss ...............wokayyyyyyy !!!