Where is the dress ???


Manoj and ammu and me went to shop for dresses for our little princess . We got into one of the most reputed shops since we always want the best for our angel .
As we got in the CRE directed us with a wish and a smile to the ladies and Kids section .
So off we went to the 2nd floor .
I particularly liked one section and all the dresses especially the skirts were perfect for Ammu (my little daughter of 5 years ) . Wow i jus loved these dresses .I asked manoj what he thought about it and he said whew the kind of fashions these kids have now ....i remember when we were kids we had only the tight shorts and a breath taking (as tight was the fashion ) t shirt or cotton shirts with huge collars and used to be buttoned till the top .Yeah i agreed we too had very less choice ...we had either midi skirts with drab tops or frilly dainty frocks with belts .Wow Ammu was lucky she had so much choice in ...........jeans , lycra , cotton ,linen , denims wow the list was endless .
But the tops were particularly oversize ....Manoj grumbled dont these guys have any sense how can they stitch like this skirts all perfect size and all tops are wrongly sized .........and look at the prize wow i can buy a whole wardrobe with the cost of this one dress ..i thought

We decided to voice our opinion to one of the sales people standing there ....

Suddenly he started laughing ...mam you are in te ladies section ...........
WHAT !!!!!

Where are the dresses for ladies you have only kiddy wear here ...Manoj said .

No sir this is the latest collection of ladies mini skirts .............
I was shocked .....what ! is this what you show for a child , what if she grew up and decided she wanted to wear such atrocious dresses or what is left of them by the time she grew up ??!?!?!?!?!?!

Nowadays they dont have experienced tailors ..........we discussed they just waste all the cloth while cutting and then they stitch these tinnnny dresses .And they charge the rate of 2 churidars for one wrongly stitched dress whew .........

maybe i should start a tailoring school now and teach people that they need to cut off minimum cloth rather than what they do now CUT OFF MAXIMUM CLOTH AND STITCH FROM WHATEVER IS LEFT !!!!!!


Rowdy said…
lol. That was too good. Yeah the idea is good, u can start a tailoring school.
Sindhu Menon said…
yeah rowdy anyone who cares to join me can :)
Seema B Menon said…
Hahahahahahah! Hilarious! They must be stiching dresses/skirts with cloth that is left over after stiching "real dresses/skirts"!

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