Me and my wisdom tooth ......ouch !
All you lucky people with ur wisdom tooth intact :) .......ya u guys are really lucky .
My wisdom tooth decided to disobey the natural rule that tooth should follow ....grow upwards....... Instead both my wisdom teeth rebelled without a cause and decided that they would grow downwards or sideways or they wished ......OUCH !!!
All you lucky people with ur wisdom tooth intact :) .......ya u guys are really lucky .
My wisdom tooth decided to disobey the natural rule that tooth should follow ....grow upwards....... Instead both my wisdom teeth rebelled without a cause and decided that they would grow downwards or sideways or they wished ......OUCH !!!

When no medicines cured my ear aches and throat pain bouts was diagnosed that my wisdoms were rebelling against me and that i would have to sacrifice them if i needed a pain free existance .......So with a heavy heart i decided to let go ........hmm the sacrifices we need to make ......
First took an x-ray ..mouth wide open till it could tear at the sides.........hmm u know ur pearly whites can look quiet ghastly in a x-ray ........
Then met a doctor .......this great doc is the only good part of this story ..........
He said ,"Ok sindhu we just need to pull it out other option !" With a heavy heart i madethe final desicion .........both you rebels gone !!! Then he added " we need to take out the upper two teeth too "
"Why for Gods sake no no no 4 pearly whites to be sacrificed ..........."
Then dawned D-day or S-day ...sacrifice day ..........
Its a totally unpleasant experience ..........all the pokes and sawing , breaking , bleeding and pulling out my teeth in 4 to 5 pieces ...........:(
Now after 2 weeks am here with a part of my wisdom lost , unable to speak normally and worst of all HUNGRY ..........only soft diet for a week more boo hoo ..........
All u guys get your wisdoms checked .........and silently pray that they dont decide to rebel too .....
First took an x-ray ..mouth wide open till it could tear at the sides.........hmm u know ur pearly whites can look quiet ghastly in a x-ray ........
Then met a doctor .......this great doc is the only good part of this story ..........
He said ,"Ok sindhu we just need to pull it out other option !" With a heavy heart i madethe final desicion .........both you rebels gone !!! Then he added " we need to take out the upper two teeth too "
"Why for Gods sake no no no 4 pearly whites to be sacrificed ..........."
Then dawned D-day or S-day ...sacrifice day ..........
Its a totally unpleasant experience ..........all the pokes and sawing , breaking , bleeding and pulling out my teeth in 4 to 5 pieces ...........:(
Now after 2 weeks am here with a part of my wisdom lost , unable to speak normally and worst of all HUNGRY ..........only soft diet for a week more boo hoo ..........
All u guys get your wisdoms checked .........and silently pray that they dont decide to rebel too .....
good one, about wisdom...