The Great Vimala .....My maid ........
Long gone are the days when maids were like stars in the sky.......plenty .They stood silently on one side waiting for orders......they were totally satisfied people ......happy even if u gave them a smile .........
Ok now trying smiling at the one at your home ......immediately she would come and sit with you and start up with madam u know what .... your neighbour ...she is sooo nice ....she gives me thousand rupees every month ( read it as ...and u ..good for nothing employer ...u give me so less ), then she gives me sarees for every occasion ( read as ...u can keep your old dresses to yourself ...i don't need them ....there is a new showroom down the street maybe u could get me one from there next time )...

I keep saying hmm ...hmm...and don't make eye contact .....
I interrupt her and tell her ...i think u should clean the windows more meticulously ....there are too many cobwebs in the corners ...and the bathrooms are not cleaned properly too ....also the vessels that you clean i need to clean again before i can use them .........Let me see improvement in next one month and then maybe i could give you a raise ...and i give her my most charming innocent smile .
I think God gave me powers to see the unseen ....can i see smoke coming out from Vimalas ears and nostrils .....i even feel like she is kicking dirt and gathering power to rush to me and plough me down with her invisible horns .......
And i wait like a brave matador with the cleaning cloth in my hand and i give it to my raging Vimala .She grabs it from my hand and walks off swaying like a pendulum ....the sway getting more furious to show her protest ......Like a mild earthquake ...ok destruction is soon to follow ........familyyyyyyy brace yourselfffffffff.......ruuuuunnnnnnnn.....
Then what followed was a demonstration of the various martial arts ......
If my windows were living ..they would have cried out in pain ....they were beaten black and blue would wonder if she had a cloth or a sword in hand ....
Then my vessels were all tortured and mercilessly scraped with the scrub pad .......and ten thrown into the sink ......ouch ouch ........
My washed clothes waited with fear ...awaiting their turn in Vimalas torture chamber .....You know Vimala could put Hitler to shame ......Had Hitler had Vimala and the likes of her in his army ... he would be ruling this earth right now ...poor man wasted much in assembling an army and in the end killed himself ........Had he been wise enough to get a few Vimalas ...he would loose just a thousand rupees and a brand new sari for each ...che che shame ....
Ok vessels all tortured and bruised ......were stacked mercilessly one atop another people squashed inside a gas chamber ........a wisp of air and they would all topple down liek a pack of cards.............
I then watched in horror and terror as my clothes were wrinnnnnnnged till they bled .......
Finally after beating and torturing the life out of every thing in my home ........Vimala walked out triumphantly with a look that said .......Dont mess with me am a Hitler in my own right .....
My home was a battlefield of dying vessels and bleeding clothes and injured windows and i could only watch and moan the dead and the dying .......
But Vimala would come again tomorrow..........hmm i better visit the new showroom down street ..........
Long gone are the days when maids were like stars in the sky.......plenty .They stood silently on one side waiting for orders......they were totally satisfied people ......happy even if u gave them a smile .........
Ok now trying smiling at the one at your home ......immediately she would come and sit with you and start up with madam u know what .... your neighbour ...she is sooo nice ....she gives me thousand rupees every month ( read it as ...and u ..good for nothing employer ...u give me so less ), then she gives me sarees for every occasion ( read as ...u can keep your old dresses to yourself ...i don't need them ....there is a new showroom down the street maybe u could get me one from there next time )...

I keep saying hmm ...hmm...and don't make eye contact .....
I interrupt her and tell her ...i think u should clean the windows more meticulously ....there are too many cobwebs in the corners ...and the bathrooms are not cleaned properly too ....also the vessels that you clean i need to clean again before i can use them .........Let me see improvement in next one month and then maybe i could give you a raise ...and i give her my most charming innocent smile .
I think God gave me powers to see the unseen ....can i see smoke coming out from Vimalas ears and nostrils .....i even feel like she is kicking dirt and gathering power to rush to me and plough me down with her invisible horns .......
And i wait like a brave matador with the cleaning cloth in my hand and i give it to my raging Vimala .She grabs it from my hand and walks off swaying like a pendulum ....the sway getting more furious to show her protest ......Like a mild earthquake ...ok destruction is soon to follow ........familyyyyyyy brace yourselfffffffff.......ruuuuunnnnnnnn.....
Then what followed was a demonstration of the various martial arts ......
If my windows were living ..they would have cried out in pain ....they were beaten black and blue would wonder if she had a cloth or a sword in hand ....
Then my vessels were all tortured and mercilessly scraped with the scrub pad .......and ten thrown into the sink ......ouch ouch ........
My washed clothes waited with fear ...awaiting their turn in Vimalas torture chamber .....You know Vimala could put Hitler to shame ......Had Hitler had Vimala and the likes of her in his army ... he would be ruling this earth right now ...poor man wasted much in assembling an army and in the end killed himself ........Had he been wise enough to get a few Vimalas ...he would loose just a thousand rupees and a brand new sari for each ...che che shame ....
Ok vessels all tortured and bruised ......were stacked mercilessly one atop another people squashed inside a gas chamber ........a wisp of air and they would all topple down liek a pack of cards.............
I then watched in horror and terror as my clothes were wrinnnnnnnged till they bled .......
Finally after beating and torturing the life out of every thing in my home ........Vimala walked out triumphantly with a look that said .......Dont mess with me am a Hitler in my own right .....
My home was a battlefield of dying vessels and bleeding clothes and injured windows and i could only watch and moan the dead and the dying .......
But Vimala would come again tomorrow..........hmm i better visit the new showroom down street ..........
Especially the venting out on our stuff- the vessels, clothes, whatever!