TheAngelic devil and the Fairy .........

Its been a long time since i wrote anything .....that's because i don't get time to write anything and so ,,,,,,,i thought i will write on the reason that does not give me time to write :))OK that makes some sense though not fully ...
Well that's how i have been lately .....absent minded and totally in another world .....
The world of the Angelic Devil and the Little fairy .......
Angelic devil ...that would be my year and a half old son Rohit ....and ya you guys guessed it right the fairy would be none other than my Ammu ........
If he is the happy monkey on the tree top ...she would be the swan gliding along in the lake .....
If he is the prankster ...she is the target !!!
If he is the devil who smiles and makes u guilty for the stare you just gave him .....she is the one who gets stares and melts right where she stands with hurt showing in those round innocent eyes .....
IF he is the hunter ...she is the hunted !!!
If he gets hurt ,,,she suffers the pain :(
When he smiles showing his 6 stars (or tiny teeth ) ...she is the mirror that reflects it back ....
He is the martial arts Guru and she would be the ballerina.....
He ....a perfect manipulator ....She .....the badly manipulated ....
He is the bike rider ...she is the dancer .....
He .......noise , laughter , fun ........Yeah here they both are just the same ...
Well this is Rohit and Ammu for u .....the reason why i have become 10 years younger , the reason why i laugh more nowadays ...the reason why i again started ring-aring-a-roses and blind mans buff and hopscotch and skipping and so much more .....
They are gifts from GOD and they in turn have gifted me the best gift of all ......Return to Innocence