A Wedding and a Funeral ...........

When life decides to grow its own wings ....and flutter away as it pleases ....the reins no longer obey you ....and compromises are your best friends .....then two occasions are the only times when life comes back to you ...when memories come back to you ...when you feel that you have forgotten much more than what you need to .......when life reminds you that it has taken you so far away from all that really matters to you ...Weddings and Funerals .
Fate is such that a person is missed the most and thought of the most on his funeral ! When i was small he would do this or he would let me have piggy back rides on his back or he bought the best gifts for me etc etc etc .......
If that person meant so much then how come we forgot these joys when he was alive , how did we forget to simply dial his number and say hello how are you ....how did we not find that one hour to spend sometime with him .
How did we forget that he was a part of our childhood and growing years ....and that he slowly faded into the shadows as time passed ....he faded into the shadows of our life and we forgot but he always watched us , heard us , asked about us and knew what all happened in our lives ...because he genuinely cared and we did not find time !
In the past few months pangs of guilt have been making their visits regular as days pass by ....I lost a few loved ones recently and i cannot stop blaming myself that i forgot that they were in my life's shadows ...watching out for me , praying for me ,seeing me and being happy in my happiness ...and i simply did not find time to glance back and notice them ..
I cried for them when they passed on .....but these days i cry more ....tears fill up to the brim when i think that i did not give them the time i should have given , i did not call them as much as i should have , i did not notice the figures in the shadows till one day they suddenly became such dark shadows that they will never come out of the darkness into my life ever again !
Am ashamed of this careless attitude i had to life , and i resolve to correct myself ....
A wedding is a similar occasion when we meet our loved ones , make merry , eat , laugh , remember the beautiful past we shared , hugs and kisses and then they too become a part of the shadow ........ to meet at the next wedding or funeral ?
Weddings and funerals seems to be the time ...the only time we ever look into the past and remember the people who really matter to us ..
