The Know it All .......

Guess our lives woul be incomplete without Mr/Ms. Know it All .....

They are a particular type of species ..........yes they live on Earth they are not found  under rocks and on trees . 
Usually found  in apartments , offices , lifts , bus stops , and if allowed may even be found in toilets . 

You cough twice ...maybe because of a sudden breath ....suddenly there is a poooofffff and there appears KIA ( come on no big eyes needed it jus means know it all ) 
" you must have eaten something cold yesterday ,..... Hmm must be the flu , better see a doctor " ........" ...
I will tell you a good medicine ...then you get a list of medicines that could shame a good doctor ...

Please note KIAs always talk with Hmmmm ...a wild shaking of the head ...sometimes up down ,sometimes sideways .....sometimes a finger is wagged at u to point out how heinuous your crime was .

You sit peacefully at your office desk wondering what to cook for dinner ......pooff ......
Hmmm what ..dreaming haaa .....ur hubby must be sneezing away now .....
While thinking of what to cook the only person i think of is my Maid ! 
She is more important than any husband alive ;-) no offence meant to any husband who is reading this . 

Buying veggies at the market .....poof ....I knew i would see you here today ...came to buy vegetables ?
Oh no i actually came to onterview the vendor and maybe even to buy his shop for myself !

Am buying a skirt for myself ......poof poof poof ......My my a skirt at this age Dont you know what society will say !?!??? ((( mind you people ..,these are the most dangerous types ....they work for a  Secret service agency called SOCIETY . ))) 
Sorry mam I did not know that skirts came with age tags ......i have only seen S , M , XL , XXL and so on ...

Yayyy its finally time for your child to go to school ....Poof × ~ .......
School X is the best you know ...i studied there , my mother studied there , my kids too study there ......
No no school Y is better surely ...havent you heard that X charges ten tomes more than other schools ?!?! What a waste of money ....are they educating or trying to buy school benches from the gold shop ( Big round eyes , a palm on the mouth or chin etc accompany the shaking head here ) 
Finally after a detailed charge sheet about all existing schools in your city the only option that seems safe is going to some other country and admitting your child in a school where KIAS or their ancestors have not studied yet !!!!!! 

At a babys naming ceremony .......Poof ....I knew it would be a boy ...she had put on so much weight behind ......
How dare you stare at a Pregnant ladies butt !!!! You could be booked for eve teasing you know ?...

Well one thing is clear .....Whether we survive without Know it Alls or no ....they definitely wouldnt survive without us !!! 
Cause just as we breathe ...they say Hmmmm i knowwwwww :-) 


Arun K Nair said…
How true...well said sind....
Arun K Nair said…
Sind....well penned. Thatz where you belong....amongst words.... super presentation. And of course true facts without exaggeration .....

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