The Painter's Muse .....
And again a muse to a Painter ... the Rain makes me write
Is there a person in this world who does not love the rain ....
That rain so filled in mysteries , beauty and power .
It is such a magical moment ... When the dark clouds gather in the sky , when the wind stops being shy , when the birds blow trumpets to announce the arrival of that visitor , who is awaited eagerly ......
How many of us look upwards for that moment , when that one drop of bliss touches us with a million promises . The shy , dull leaves rejoice as the raindrops kiss them and makes them blush a bright vibrant green . The moments of loneliness are forgotten in seconds and the meeting is celebrated as if there is no tomorrow .
The lingering smell of the fresh wet mud makes us take a moment and enjoy the natural , magnetic scent . Can any perfume even dare to compete with this aroma of abolute freshness .
Even while a lone Sunbeam tries to pierce through without success , the raindrops let the curtain drop and shuts him out . Go play awhile elsewhere little sunbeam , it seems to say .
Standing on the roadside or in a balcony , with the rain for company , like shy , anxious lovers with hearts racing ....waiting impatiently who will make the first move . Sometimes the rain teases us , comes so close , almost touches then pulls away . With each passing moment of being away , our impatience increases . Finally when we can wait no longer , we let go our ego , reach out and surrender to her beauty .
And she rewards our patience with her choicest blessings .
For as long as she is with us , we forget all tensions and sorrows . Like a very talented masseus she eases out every fine line of worry , every pain . Soothes every nerve , relaxes every muscle . Gently she holds our hand and leads us into her world , where all that we hear are her secrets she whispers in our ear .
Just as she is a lover , she is a mother too . Cajoling little seeds to break free of their bonds and begin a new life . Patiently nurturing every little plant and flower to grow and bloom . Every tree to grow strong and tall and touch the skies .
Do not be tricked by her gentle self . If need arises she metamorphoses into a violent Tempest . Wild , raging , unforgiving she wrecks havoc , instills fear , destroys like there is no tomorrow and teaches lessons one remembers for life .
But i still love her . My companion who cares for me , my teacher who gives me free lessions worth a million bucks . My mother who lays a hand on my tired head and without words assures me that you are not alone . My lover who holds me close and then i feel am the only one . My gift from the Almighty , a blessing for some good that i might have done .
Dear magical rain dont you see , i love you more than you love me .
Because without you i would be , just a lifeless soul !