Scribbles of an Unstable Mind ...
The Scribbles of an Unstable mind .........
Sometimes you never find satisfaction in anything ....then the mind gets unstable not because it is insane you see ...
Its just a term to describe a mind that cant decide what to do .......and then you sit alone and wonder how to give a meaning to your life .
Sometimes you feel rebellious and decide to go against the world , sometimes you decide to become something your parents or husband did not want you to be, or sometimes you even decide to go out shopping ....after which you ultimately loose your monthly accounts balance and then you are more upset with life than you started out with ...
Or maybe you decide to eat whatever you like justifying it as a tribute to yourself who takes care of all others at all times Then again you loose your money and maybe even your health and oh most ghastly of all loose some well fitting clothes and get miserable nightmares that you have become fat and ugly .......scary thought that !!!
Then what do you do with your life ?? To be or not to be ....oops this is what happens if you happen to be the owner of the above stated unstable mind that has not yet found its purpose in life .... How come Julia Roberts became an actress and Sunitha Williams land in space .
God definitely was in a rebellious mood when he made the owner of this mind the way repeating words or phrases is not the sign of a seasoned ....weathered writer you see .....that is the sign of this mind trying to be in an author stage .....apart from the rebelling and eating and shopping to give future nightmare state .
Maybe this mind should try meditation and the spititual way ...Meditation would definitely be this minds call if the very un-supportive neighbour would watch the television at a lower volume and stop dishing out snacks that let out their cruel aromas through unsuspecting unstable mind's windows . Then the five senses wander off in five directions which surely does not agree with meditation rules . This mind is at a loss again .....
Speaking of losses shall this mind go for a trip that will take it away from the people who do not value it ..That could be done But then it would need someone to keep it informed about daily developments .....well that takes away the whole purpose of trying to go away to cut off Oneself from the world ....
Well one thing is getting clearer .....this is not an Unstable Mind ....this is a very regular normal mind that will be lazy ...busy....not interested .....inquisitive ....rebellious....silly......intelligent ......just like a rainbow .
Well the mind better stop trying to make this an intriguing interesting read as even stable minds have a certain patience limit that could have been crossed now .....
So i bid adieu till this mind gets restles again or unstable and takes up scribbling nothings or somethings ......