Bhraandhi .. Liberated and Free
Bhraandhi ...
I saw her first at a traffic signal when she suddenly jumped in front of my car . Even in her tatters and dirt smeared face , I could not help notice that she was pretty . Then with great sorrow it dawned that she was mentally unstable . She looked but did not see , heared but did not listen . Her clothes covered her barely . She stood there a plastic water bottle in one hand and the other scratching her head .
Then suddenly she looked straight at me ... staring , unblinking ... an intense hypnotic gaze . And for a few seconds her mental state and mine were almost the same ... frozen and blank . Oblivious of this world , unaware of its treacherous mentality .
Then i saw a mind that was as Free as a Bird ... it could soar wherever it pleased and no person alive could chain it with any rule or custom made by any man alive or dead . She could be the owner of thoughts that nobody could fathom or even extract .
A free mind ... a dangerous mind ... a beautiful mind .
People called her Mad , I preferred to call her Free .
. People laughed at her , made fun of her , insulted her and she only smiled at them Beautifully and Innocently . And i felt the people in their big cars and with their make up and imported handbags looked more madder than her
. She taught me something that moment ... A smile could make even the person insulting u look mad and back off .
During the daytime she roamed the streets . At night where did she go ?
How safe was she ?
I saw men lech at her .. staring at her exposed modesty through her torn clothes . Maybe at night her body was also mutilated by these brutes . And maybe she would scream and cry and face only deaf and blind people . Nobody would carry out Morchas for her or hold candles . She did not even know she was being used and mutilated night after night .
As the lights turned green , she walked off , unaware of the world , the pain , the insults , the fate that awaited her .....
Unaware , Liberated ... Free .