Celebrating Me...

(Written by Sindhu Menon on  29.12.17; 9.45 pm )

Same old things to say, to wish, to resolve and same old year ending. Everyone asks the same old question...what is your resolution?
I have never had one and had thought that I never will.
But this year maybe I will rebel against myself and Have one.
Being a writer gives you a social obligation ..  To Inspire , To motivate and To reach out.
So maybe My first resolution of my life will reach out and inspire and motivate.

Come 2018...
I resolve to Celebrate Life.
I resolve to respect myself and take care of myself.
To love my talents and treasure them more.
To not waste my strengths with excuses.
To not demean myself with inferiority complexes. 2017 was a year of realisation that there is only one me and one you. When each are unique then what is there to compare. Is it even fair to compare two totally different beings.
To respect my body. To give it time and love and attention. Again 2017 was a year of Healing for my son and for me. When we both learnt that love gives strength and strength gives courage and courage helps to heal every pain and every wound.
Our body responds to love and perseverance. It reacts to care and responds by filling us with energy.
So I resolve to exercise and pursue health. To stop looking like a sack of sick vegetables. To get my glow and radiance back. To become the envy of every 42 year old. Does the blog smell of vanity ? Maybe it does. But a little helps to go a long way.
As a woman we love our parents, husband, kids, our families and even the neighbours families. We sacrifice till we bleed.
So there is no harm to bleed a little for ourselves.
I resolve to take life a bit more lightly, to laugh more, to travel ...maybe alone, to pursue relentlessly my passions, to dance when I feel like and sing when I can.
To write and write and write  and share and inspire.
Maybe all this will remain just a resolution as it happens to many.
Maybe in this long list not even one resolution might get fulfilled because life is tricky and tosses us around like a boomerang and by the end of 2018 I may write a blog how all my resolutions failed.
But no matter how tricky, no matter how boomerangy life is,  there is one thing life cannot take away and stop me from achieving. No matter what life tries this year am surely Celebrating life and moreover am going to Celebrate Being Me !


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