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Children, the dream catchers of parents.

What are you going to be when you grow up? What was your answer as a child? I was not a very ambitious child for sure because my ready answer would be that I wanted to      be just like that man with the ice cream cart with a bell to ring! After a few months ( yes not years, just months) I wanted to be a stable girl who looked after horses. The stable would have brown horses. ( Not sure why I did not want any other    colour!) Then I wanted to be a zoo keeper and then a musician. Academics seemed far off my mind at that time. Why did I need Math or science to sell ice creams and look after horses! If my father had been a mind reader, then ... Well I rather not imagine that at all, for my sanity and well being. Then I wanted to make movies and write stories. The writing still stays with me. When we ask kids this question, what do we expect them to answer? Our mind mentally wishes them to say what we wish to hear. What we could not achieve. We push them away from ...

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